Instantiation Modifiers
Because we have a broader vocabulary describing our modules, it becomes possible to modify instantiations of modules to add functionality.
- Continuous (default): The module behaves like a freestanding module, inputs and outputs are expected on each clock pulse
- Push: The module only advances when instructed by the parent module. This only affects
registers. Latency is unaffected.
Additional modifiers
- Latency-free: All latency registers are removed
- Set latency: sets the latency between two connectors (ports, locals, fields etc), adding or removing latency registers as needed. Mustly used to override latency for tight feedback loops.
Structs and Modules and Constants
So structs, modules and constants all very much look alike in a certain sense. But modules must be distinct from structs and constants. Because Modules cannot be freely copied or moved around. But, one would want it possible to instantiate modules in arrays.
Template - Flow - Lifetime dichotomy
When instantiating