Language Features
- Basic Tokenizer
- Basic Syntax Error Reporting
- Syntax error reporting with infos
- Basic Token Highlighting in Terminal
- Local Variable and Type Name highlighting
- Array Syntax
- Function Call Syntax
- Unary and Binary Operators
- Can Parse Multiply-Add pipeline
- Can Parse Blur2 filter
- If Statements
- Latency Specifiers
- Get rid of semicolons
- Access module inputs / outputs through field names
- Array Slices
- Bound Specifiers
- Structs
- Conditional Bindings
- Generative variables and assignments
- Generative Conditions
- Generative For Loops
- Generative While Loops
- Generative Parameters
- Generative Parameter Default Arguments
- Type Parameters
- Generative Asserts
- Multi-Interface Syntax
- Native Module integration syntax
- Intrinsic Modules
- Can Parse FIFO implementation
- Clock Domain Crossings
- Submodule Generators
- Standard Library Bundled with compiler