The Trouble with Parsing Templates

Templates in the modern style of C++ or Java are incredibly hard to parse, and seemingly manage to conflict with just about every other syntax in common use. They can occur in many circumstances. Most commonly in types, but also in function calls and constants. Their ubiquity compounds the issues described below.

void myFunc() {
  vector<int> myVec;

All languages that choose to adopt this standard employ limitations around their use. In Java it's not possible to pass values as template arguments, in C++ often the template keyword must be inserted for the parser to understand.

Take the fully ambiguous case of this function call:


This can be parsed in two ways:

  • The way we as the programmer intend, IE it to be a template instantiation
  • Two comparison operators with a value between parentheses: (myfunc<beep) > (3)

This is a proper grammatical ambiguity.

Template troubles for SUS

In SUS there's quite a few things that come together that make this notation of templates difficult. For starters, SUS also has the < > comparison operators, which provides an immediate conflict, just like in the above example.

Another less well known conflict from this notation comes from the commas. Take calling:

myFunc(choice<3, 6>(5), x, y, z);

If the parser interprets the < as a comparison, then the commas separate function arguments, but if it were to interpret them as a template then the first comma separates template arguments.

What's more, SUS has a few extra notations that also conflict with this idea, namely multiple value declarations, which are used for functions that return multiple values.

To illustrate:

int b;
int[5] c;
int a, b, c[0], myType<int, bool> d = myFuncReturningFourResults();

Where the intent is to assign to a newly declared a, an existing variable b, indexing into array c, and a new variable d.

This notation combines declarations with assignable expressions. The issue is that if the compiler can accept both declarations and arbitrary expressions, then there's two perfectly valid parses for d. Either the one we intend, or it becomes two expressions myType<int and bool> d. While it may seem a bit dumb to assign to the output of a comparison operator to the parser it's all _expression.


There's two solution archetypes I see: The Rust solution, and the Verilog solution. I've chosen a mix of the two.


In so-called "type contexts", where the only this that's allowed to be written is a type, types are simple: Option<i32>, Result<Vec<i32>, String>, etc. Rust solves it with adding ::< in cases where it would otherwise be a parsing ambiguity, like my_func::<3>(5). This disambiguates it from the comparison operators. But here still, a comparison expression inside the arguments list breaks it again: my_func::<3 > 1>. Luckily, Rust sidesteps this by banning expressions in template all-together, as allowing that itself would also introduce a whole lot of dependent types mess that turns pre-monomorphization into an undecidable problem.


The Verilog solution is to simply move away from the angle bracket notation, and use a different one that doesn't conflict so heavily. In verilog's case, that's the #(.varA(x), .varB(y), ...) notation. The advantage here is explicitness, which is important in HW design, since otherwise you'd be instantiating modules like FIFO #(32, 6, 2) and you wouldn't know what the numbers mean.

This is not the only way to use templates in Verilog though, but in my opinion the defparam syntax is so verbose I'll leave it out of consideration.


In Hardware Design, as opposed to software design, the vast majority of template instantiations do not depend on types, but rather on values. While software is full of things like Result<Vec<i32>, ErrorObject>, in hardware the sizes and parameters are numbers. The typical example is instantiating a library Memory block: Memory #(int DATA_WIDTH, int DEPTH, bool USE_OUTPUT_PIPELINE_STAGE, bool READ_PIPELINE_STAGE, etc). Using an unambiguous syntax may just be the solution here. And yes, while Verilog's solution may not be familiar to software programmers, hardware designers are used to it.

I will, however, make one change to Verilog's notation. Taking inspiration from Rust, and in accordance with Hardware programmers' desire for explicitness, I'll change the template instantiation syntax to use named arguments with short form syntax:

module FIFO#(T, int SIZE, int LATENCY) {...}

module use_FIFO {
  gen int LATENCY = 3
  FIFO#(SIZE: 32, LATENCY, type T: int[3]) myFIFO


So in this example, SIZE is set to the result of the expression 32, LATENCY happens to be named identically to the variable we assign to it, thus Rust's short form. And the type we pass in requires a special type keyword so the parser can distinguish it. Perhaps that could still be changed, since grammatically types appear to be a proper subset of expressions, but it also seems dangerous from an IDE perspective, as now it's not clear from the parse tree what it's supposed to be. Regardless, in many of those cases, types are easier to infer than values so the type fallback syntax should be a rare occurence.